Tag Archive for: web

A picture speaks a thousand words.

An image of SEO must speak. In my last three works, I made different consultancies for customers and I detected the same issue: the images.

How is this part important, images are important as relevant keywords. Nowadays we use more images and media to improve our websites. So this kind of content needs to be review and optimize.

The images are always forgotten. And Google likes images and users also.


Let’s start with a list of best practices to keep in mind.

3 Basics Tips SEO Images:


1. Name of images.

When we create a website we take care of the name of images. We always find projects with Incredibles names or numbers to images. I found images like DSC30303 or Screenshot22.01.2009 or Prueba. The name is so important because Google read the archive and the name of our image.
The images need to BE descriptive. Yes Descriptive, it’s mean the name must represent what we see.
It’s important to add relevant keywords also. If we review analytics we could see how customers search us and use the image naming process.

As Google says the Filename give clues about what is the image.

Example if the image is a green car:

Green car on the road

<img src=”https://exampleweb.com/images/green-car.jpg”>


Also if you have a brand you could ad your brand on the image like green-car-ebavs.jpg.

2. File size

I discovered 3GB for a Background image or images of 1Gb.

Bear in mind:

  • Consumers do not like to wait unless on mobile.
  • Google uses page load time as a factor in their algorithm. And now with the new Core Vitals, this is so important.

So review the file sizes, compress the images and optimize them. There are a lot of articles to do it:


Image optimization

Yoast SEO images optimization

The formats are relevant  also use :

  • GIF, lower quality than JPEGS used for icons, transparency, animations.

    Green car on the road

    Gif – 317Kb

  • PNG, the alternative to GIFS, allow transparency more colours. But the sizes are bigger than JPG. PNG is better used on flat and colours images.

    Green car on the road

    PNG – 606kb

  • JPG: able to compress images considerably, could have nice quality and low file size. Not transparency is allowed.
    Green car on the road

    Jpg – 290Kb


  • And more with Guidelines Google images

3. Alt attribute
The alt attribute (text that describes an image) is the alternative text is used to:- highlight the identity of an image

  • appears when browsers have problems rendering
  • read by screen readers to help visually issues: improves accessibility for people not see images on the website
  • read by search engines
  • Google uses the alt text on the algorithm to understand the content of the website

That’s a normal code that I discovered:

<img src=”https://exampleweb.com/images/green-car.jpg”>

That’s a good code:

<img src=https://exampleweb.com/images/green-car.jpg alt=”A green car on the road”>

The alt attribute is also a descriptive text for the image, normally we use 8 words.


These are 3 basics tips to follow on your sites. Are very easy and common sense tips.


If you want to know more about SEO, we do Workshops and we are experts on it.

In EBAVS/ we had to work with BETAHAUS creating intern Workshops (SEO and WordPress) for our beloved coworkers. The name “Members teach members”. This movement based on the community of Betahaus to helped all members and taught about what we are as experts.

We just did WORDPRESS Workshop with Víctor, and now it’s my turn to create a BASIC SEO WORKSHOP.


At first, we thought to do two Workshops, one of basic level, and the other for experts. Then we recognized that the level at Betahaus was more basic than expert, so we only do a session. We had only 2 hours and a half to do a quick and basic SEO Workshop, so, we decided to talk about basic concepts. We prepared a presentation shared with all the students and shared it at the final Workshop.

The SEO Workshop was:

  • SEM: definition of terms
  • Search Engines: how many search engines are, Google the king
  • SERPS: what is a SERP
  • SEO: definition SEO
  • PPC: definition PPC
  • PPC vs SEO
  • Why SEO
  • Google
  • Evolution SEO: from the beginning to natural searches
  • How to do SEO: analysis, objectives, benchmarks, keyword research…
  • OnPage: what is and how to do it, titles, meta descriptions, WPO, CSS, robots, sitemaps, google analytics,  images – see our article of 3 Basic tips on image SEO
  • OffPage: what is and how to do it
  • Strategy SEO: what is a strategy SEO, content redaction
  • Tools SEO: reviewing tools for manage SEO: WebMasterTools, Google Keyword Tool
  • Case Study: activities with the coworkers to review their actions and the site.

See some of our charts of the workshop:
PPC Versus SEO

What is a SERP?

The result was amazing, about 30 members of Betahaus were at the workshop.  We also uploaded a  SlideShare presentation:
Ebavs SEO – workshop de Barbara Casas

See us on Twitter our SEO Workshop:


In 2016, Betahaus asked us to develop a basic Workshop on WordPress to teach members about coworking. The movement was called “Members teach Members”.  In this scenario, Víctor Santacreu prepared a workshop defined in two masterclasses: 2 days, four hours by day. The workshop is divided into 25% theory and 75% of practice.  34 students.


We prepared a presentation divided into two days.

The skeleton was:

  1. What is WordPress and what is it for?
  2. Features
  3. Installation environment
  4. Download and Configuration of a theme. What is a theme?
  5. What is a plugin
  6. Widgets: what are and their function
  7. Navigation menus
  8. Pages, Posts, differences between them – also categories and tags-
  9. Shortcodes: what are and examples
  10. User management and roles
  11. Creation of forms: using a plugin
  12. FrontPage / HomePage: the difference between them and what is for
  13. Improve performance: cache plugin and technical explanation
  14. Web upload to production


On the first day of the workshop, we taught the first  9 points.

The students are interested in How to install WordPress, what are the differences between posts and pages? We learned a lot about themes, installed one and configured it. We explained what and why plugins are important and also a little bit of the history of WordPress.

The elementals concepts of this class: WordPress, posts, pages, categories, tags, plugins, widgets. 


The second day was a little more complex and difficult.

We explained what’s the difference between Homepage and Frontpage, configure both of them and put it online altogether. We continue on the basis of caching and why is good how to measure page speed and we see a difference between load page without cache and with a cache.

Finally, we move our project to production: migration BBDD, upload to real.

Thanks a lot for this opportunity Betahaus, was really amazing to teach people and learn from them.


Tió or The pooping log is a Catalan tradition, typical of Christmas.

It’s a log, for the first time is a relation with fire and connected nature, protection, fertility and winter solstice. It’s very scatological because we feed the log with food like nuts, cookies, fruits and the log eat magically; then on Christmas Eve, we beat and yell it, singing: “Caga tió, ametlles i torró, no caguis arangades que són massa salades, caga torrons que són més bons.
Caga tió, ametlles i torró, si no vols cagar et donaré un cop de bastó

Caga tió!”
And then the log, covered with a blanket, make poo; obviously is not real, the poo are gifts for kids or family. We love our scatological traditions, we use to do it, because we have a little girl of 5 years old in the house, and we are expecting a little boy, so we are experts on it.

So we start thinking about a creative idea to make a Christmas action. The objectives are to make something GOOD, something that brings a smile to our faces, so we thought that the best way is sharing:

  • The Catalan tradition of Tió
  • Something good and do something good (objective 1000 shares or link to the good deed)
  • Our job: creative, illustration, development and marketing

From that idea, we create an action, started the 8th December – date Tió arrives at the house – to Christmas Eve.

Then, we create the log with kawaii style, and also a landing page to explain all our idea.

The idea consists of feeding every day the poopinglog to see the poo. The poo is a share in Facebook or Twitter with an image (more than 100 ) + phrase + URL to promote a good thing with the #thepoopinlog.

But what kind of share?

The share or poo is something good, so we make research of good things like caring, giving, helping, researching, supporting and sharing; and make happy these organizations, ONG’s, foundations, etc…

And also, we beef up #thepoopinglog, creating a digital strategy based on 3 social profiles:

  • Facebook page
  • Twitter profile
  • Instagram
  • E-mail marketing




I know it’s difficult to explain, but part of my job is testing an environment and find bugs. People think it’s boring, but I’ll find this part quite interesting.
Victor, call me an expert; as I told you, I always find it.

But, what is a bug?

A bug is not a “bug” (little animal) is an error in digital environments. It’s mean that something it’s supposed to run, do not run correctly.

As a digital project manager, I test websites, microsites, apps but when I’m a regular user I find it on all the sites I’m usually using. This last week, I tried to buy online food, I write “I tried” but I had a lot of problems.

  • Alcampo.es, we discovered a few months ago, that is the cheapest grocery in Barcelona, so we bought it there, but this week in my house did not run the website. First, we tweeted to Alcampo and said to them, but then discovered that our IP is blocked!! For a range of IPs, see the image below. Scaring moment!!! hahahaCSfm4z2WEAAlhkP
  • La Sirena, I tried to do my shopping online, but I had no user, so first I signed up. I received an e-mail to confirm my user, so when I logged in, said that my user did not exist, so as a “normal user” I will go, but as a professional, I tried again and recovered my password so I received 2 e-mails with 2 different passwords, quite easy for all. ;) Finally, I logged in! Yuhuuuu Then I preferred to pick my cart at the physical shop, so I used the shop searcher, but when I wrote the CP or the address did not work again. The resulted shops are not correct, I wrote CP 08014 (it means Barcelona city) and appears other cities like El Masnou, Sabadell, Terrassa, see the screenshots: (Scaaaaaring all!!)



So, this is our scary moment, our particular dairy Halloween. Bugs are like zombies appears when you least expect it…


Finally, here it is, our new site in 2015: ebavs.net.
A few months ago, Victor and I thought to refresh the site, and now we are happy to present our little kiddo.

We are very tough with us, so we wanted a new site, but with specific requirements: responsive, clear, fast, SEO friendly, in English, beautiful, simple, user-friendly, extended portfolio, products, review blog, etc..
We developed like 3 or 4 versions.. and at least we chose the one we relaunched the last week.

We divided the site into simple architecture information – as we said we need to be clear and simple – :

  • WE: Who we are, what we do, our mission, why choose us. We also used pictures of our TV interview at TV3 Cites – minute 12:00 – and linked to our social media profiles.
  • PORTFOLIO: We choose a selection of our works and products: B-wom, Doubleyou, Optretina, BBDO, Nice Mondays, Beter, Factusol plugin, Moodle connector, etc…
  • CONTACT: A form to contact with us


So, welcome the new site and long live ebavs.net!