Services / WordPress development

WordPress development x EBAVS/

We are Experts in WordPress Web Development.

WordPress is the most popular and more used CMS – content management system – in the world. A lot of clients are used and a huge part of our projects are made in WordPress.

Achieve good SEO Optimization in WordPress to allow rank first Search Results is one of our core businesses.

WordPress theme

The goal for WordPress Theme is simple: To develop beautiful WordPress themes and powerful plugins. We create a brand new theme, starter theme or work on other themes. We feel comfortable working with any theme. We are experts in WordPress template development.

WordPress Customization

We create, fix and customize your WordPress site. We craft a custom solution as a plugin, a theme, advanced developments as migration, integration with third parties. We create WordPress plugins, custom post types, custom fields to create your WordPress website.

WordPress Security

WordPress is renowned for its usability and ease of access, however, its popularity also makes it an attractive target for bad actors. WordPress security is about risk reduction, not risk elimination. Because there will always be a risk, securing your WordPress site will remain a continuous process.

WordPress SEO

It is important to build a damn good WordPress SEO strategy.

How do we improve the WordPress SEO on your website?

We create a strategy following these steps:

  • Performance: we review plugins, page speed, web performance optimization, activation cache, responsive web layouts
  • Security: we add security plugins to the websites, protect data and create security copies.
  • Content: we analyze and optimize content, URLs, titles, meta descriptions, images, alts, semantic correction, review internal and external links

Case studies x WordPress