Services / UX


UX is not how it looks. It’s how it works

Design a great experience for your users on the web is our core business.

We help companies overcome challenges.

Your product can be complex, but the UX must be easy.

UX research and analysis

To design a great digital solution we need to understand who your users are, in what context they will use your product, and what needs they will be looking to find. We will find ideas, we find weaknesses, strengths, and gaps in your competitor’s products to create a better design solution. We test with the client and find the best digital solution.

User flows

We design user flows: diagrams that display the path a user takes when using your product from an entry point through to the final interaction.


A wireframe is a page layout. It gives you a clear idea of the elements on each page and the connections between these elements.

The goal of a wireframe is:

  • What: sort the contents
  • Where: hierarchy structure information
  • How: basic display user-interface interaction

Define the architecture

We create the anatomy of the digital solution. Website architecture refers to the way we structure a website to ensure we meet our business goals while delivering a great experience for our users. Developing architecture for a website is an essential part of the web process.

We do functional documentation: a formal document used to describe a product’s capabilities, appearance, and interactions with users in detail for software developers and clients. The functional documentation is the guideline to art directors and developers.

Case studies x UX