Services / Digital Project Management

Digital Project Management x EBAVS/

We manage your digital project.

We use to work with companies to handle digital projects. We work with budgets, scopes and control all the partners. We collaborate with community managers, digital web designers, digital producers. We apply with Scrum and Agile methodologies.

Management and coordination

We manage and coordinate digital projects for clients, brands or ad agencies. We do digital account management working with different teams and partners.


Project planning is a part of project management, which relates to schedules, Gantt charts, sprints. We use project management software to achieve better results: Jira, Basecamp, Asana

We ensure compliance with the objectives throughout the process. We budget and create scopes of digital solutions.

Proactivity and good communication

Proactive communication is when you prevent problems instead of fixing them. You answer questions before they’re asked. You deal with complaints before they’re made. Resolution and proactivity: the solution to customer needs throughout the project and identify new business opportunities.

Case studies x Digital Project Management