Projects / CREAF


Ondeuev, a communication agency based in Barcelona, asked us to collaborate to develop a front End of CREAF Locomotion Project’s.

Locomotion is a H2020 project with the main objective of developing an Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) that will help to find the best way to decarbonise society.

CREAF is a public research center dedicated to terrestrial ecology, territorial analysis and global change, pursuing excellence in the production and dissemination of knowledge, in addition to the innovation, development, and transfer of methodologies.

The project is based on two applications development with a visual identity created by Ondeuev:

  • Model Explorer: a web tool for the general public with aim to raise awareness about climate change
  • Model Analyzer: a desktop tool that will interact with a server. The target is politicians and experts to use it for decision-making on decarbonisation and the energy transition.

React JS Front End development

We work the Front End Layout With ReactJS and Material UI.

We use this open-source JavaScript library and framework that is used for building user interfaces specifically for the two applications. We used it for handling the view layer for the web and allows us to create reusable UI components.

The Front End was licensed under an open MIT License.

We develop at the same time the two applications to reuse part of the front end code with several pages:

Login user interface with all the logical
About us
Scenario and Scenarios
Models scenarios with hypothesis
Model assumptions
Graphics Components
Sliders and selector components

Project Management

We carry out project management working with different teams such as Ondeuev in the design team, CREAF as the lead team, and back-end development teams.

We do follow-up tasks, meetings and plan our project with sprints and deliveries. We use our proactivity and communication to ensure the development and quality of the project.