In 2016, Betahaus asked us to develop a basic Workshop on WordPress to teach members about coworking. The movement was called “Members teach Members”.  In this scenario, Víctor Santacreu prepared a workshop defined in two masterclasses: 2 days, four hours by day. The workshop is divided into 25% theory and 75% of practice.  34 students.


We prepared a presentation divided into two days.

The skeleton was:

  1. What is WordPress and what is it for?
  2. Features
  3. Installation environment
  4. Download and Configuration of a theme. What is a theme?
  5. What is a plugin
  6. Widgets: what are and their function
  7. Navigation menus
  8. Pages, Posts, differences between them – also categories and tags-
  9. Shortcodes: what are and examples
  10. User management and roles
  11. Creation of forms: using a plugin
  12. FrontPage / HomePage: the difference between them and what is for
  13. Improve performance: cache plugin and technical explanation
  14. Web upload to production


On the first day of the workshop, we taught the first  9 points.

The students are interested in How to install WordPress, what are the differences between posts and pages? We learned a lot about themes, installed one and configured it. We explained what and why plugins are important and also a little bit of the history of WordPress.

The elementals concepts of this class: WordPress, posts, pages, categories, tags, plugins, widgets. 


The second day was a little more complex and difficult.

We explained what’s the difference between Homepage and Frontpage, configure both of them and put it online altogether. We continue on the basis of caching and why is good how to measure page speed and we see a difference between load page without cache and with a cache.

Finally, we move our project to production: migration BBDD, upload to real.

Thanks a lot for this opportunity Betahaus, was really amazing to teach people and learn from them.


Tió or The pooping log is a Catalan tradition, typical of Christmas.

It’s a log, for the first time is a relation with fire and connected nature, protection, fertility and winter solstice. It’s very scatological because we feed the log with food like nuts, cookies, fruits and the log eat magically; then on Christmas Eve, we beat and yell it, singing: “Caga tió, ametlles i torró, no caguis arangades que són massa salades, caga torrons que són més bons.
Caga tió, ametlles i torró, si no vols cagar et donaré un cop de bastó

Caga tió!”
And then the log, covered with a blanket, make poo; obviously is not real, the poo are gifts for kids or family. We love our scatological traditions, we use to do it, because we have a little girl of 5 years old in the house, and we are expecting a little boy, so we are experts on it.

So we start thinking about a creative idea to make a Christmas action. The objectives are to make something GOOD, something that brings a smile to our faces, so we thought that the best way is sharing:

  • The Catalan tradition of Tió
  • Something good and do something good (objective 1000 shares or link to the good deed)
  • Our job: creative, illustration, development and marketing

From that idea, we create an action, started the 8th December – date Tió arrives at the house – to Christmas Eve.

Then, we create the log with kawaii style, and also a landing page to explain all our idea.

The idea consists of feeding every day the poopinglog to see the poo. The poo is a share in Facebook or Twitter with an image (more than 100 ) + phrase + URL to promote a good thing with the #thepoopinlog.

But what kind of share?

The share or poo is something good, so we make research of good things like caring, giving, helping, researching, supporting and sharing; and make happy these organizations, ONG’s, foundations, etc…

And also, we beef up #thepoopinglog, creating a digital strategy based on 3 social profiles:

  • Facebook page
  • Twitter profile
  • Instagram
  • E-mail marketing