Tió or The pooping log is a Catalan tradition, typical of Christmas.

It’s a log, for the first time is a relation with fire and connected nature, protection, fertility and winter solstice. It’s very scatological because we feed the log with food like nuts, cookies, fruits and the log eat magically; then on Christmas Eve, we beat and yell it, singing: “Caga tió, ametlles i torró, no caguis arangades que són massa salades, caga torrons que són més bons.
Caga tió, ametlles i torró, si no vols cagar et donaré un cop de bastó

Caga tió!”
And then the log, covered with a blanket, make poo; obviously is not real, the poo are gifts for kids or family. We love our scatological traditions, we use to do it, because we have a little girl of 5 years old in the house, and we are expecting a little boy, so we are experts on it.

So we start thinking about a creative idea to make a Christmas action. The objectives are to make something GOOD, something that brings a smile to our faces, so we thought that the best way is sharing:

  • The Catalan tradition of Tió
  • Something good and do something good (objective 1000 shares or link to the good deed)
  • Our job: creative, illustration, development and marketing

From that idea, we create an action, started the 8th December – date Tió arrives at the house – to Christmas Eve.

Then, we create the log with kawaii style, and also a landing page to explain all our idea.

The idea consists of feeding every day the poopinglog to see the poo. The poo is a share in Facebook or Twitter with an image (more than 100 ) + phrase + URL to promote a good thing with the #thepoopinlog.

But what kind of share?

The share or poo is something good, so we make research of good things like caring, giving, helping, researching, supporting and sharing; and make happy these organizations, ONG’s, foundations, etc…

And also, we beef up #thepoopinglog, creating a digital strategy based on 3 social profiles:

  • Facebook page
  • Twitter profile
  • Instagram
  • E-mail marketing