A few days ago I read two news: about a woman who can not bring his baby to 4YFN and she feels discriminate against; about a freelance journalist in Spain who was proud not to stop working even she was a new mum.

As a feminist, I think that’s incredible! No way! That’s not good for women. I think we are a little confused. About work, to be mothers, to be superwomen.

I think what is the real problem: to be a WORKING mother-woman. I’m not judging about is this mother goes to a tech/work event, or the other is proud about not stop working. I’m talking about what happens with WORK and women/mothers.
I think we never STOP, we are working women ALL DAY. And sadly, we PROUD about it.
Why we are proud?
Why we are proud to have no time and never stop working?
Why we are proud to be superwomen?


Today is our day, 8th March, we are working women.

My name is Bárbara Casas, I have 40 years old, my own digital company with my partner, called EBAVS. I’m 100% digital, #womenintech and a # businesswoman. I’m a mum of two kids. And sometimes I feel anxious and tired because to be mum and work is so hard. I’m not a superwoman, and I do not want to be, I’m a real woman.

So, I want to say I do not feel discriminated against at 4YFN, or whatever event, as a working mum. And for that reason, I’m less feminist than others. I think discrimination at work is to earn less money to do the same job or be fired to be a mum.
I think we are a little confused. About work, to be mothers, to be superwomen.

I also thought I was a superwoman, I worked with my babies breastfeeding them when they had 2/3 weeks, and now I realized it was a mistake.
But I worked because I wanted or because I needed it?
The answer is perverse: because I needed it, so I had no choice.
Did these women had a choice? A freelancer with a baby girl of the 5th month? A freelance journalist?
I think not.

So, today:
I fight for have a choice
I fight for REAL WOMEN!


“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations” Dra. Mae Jemison.

That’s a typical conversation:

  • “Send me an e-mail to barbara@ebavs.net”
  • “What?”
  • “Yes. EBAVS”
  • “EVAVS?”
  • “No, I spell it: E from España, B from Barcelona, A from Alicante, V from Valencia and S from Salamanca”


What’s this? Why EBAVS?

People write as EVABS, EBAUS, IBABS….but never EBAVS.

We think that we have a serious problem with our naming: a name so obscure that customers never know what it means.

But, 18 years ago we created this naming thinking to do something that we loved, coding and the internet but never in business…

EBAVS was a contraction between Bárbara and Víctor, Víctor and Bárbara.


Here we reveal our mystery:




















  • E: In that ancient epoch, the “E” (Email, Ebusiness) was COOL as the “I” nowadays (iPhone, Ipad), so we thought that the E was a great decision.
  • BAVS: We used the diminutive of BARBARA in English: BABS, and mixed it with the acronym of VICTOR SANTACREU: VS. Tadaaaa!


Also, we used dieresis on the ä, meaning two brains thinking (so creative ahh), but of course in 2000 the URLs could have signs (THANKS INTERNET!)


  • “Send me an e-mail to barbara@ebävs.net”
  • “What?”
  • “Yes. EBÄVS”
  • “EVAVS?”
  • “No, I spell it: E de España, B de Barcelona, A de Alicante width dieresis, V  de Valencia y S de Salamanca”


Actually, we think about change EBAVS to something more legible, but you know what?

If we write EBAVS on Google we have no competitors and the first pages are us. (Google suggest Ebay also..) The site,  the images, the social networks…

SERPS ebavs



We love EBAVS and the meaning.

We are weird and special and we want to continue spelling our name. Know more about us on interviews of EBAVS.


In 2016, we created in EBAVS / our Christmas postcard to wish Happy Holidays.
A familiar DIY with:

  • Red card
  • Love
  • White paper
  • 6 years Old Daughter
  • Orange paper
  • Cryings
  • White pencil
  • Scissors
  • Smiles
  • Dotted Paper
  • Shouts
  • Glue
  • 10 Months baby boy
  • Blue marker
  • Patience
  • Effort

Happy Holidays to all with a REAL XMAS POSTCARD!






























The lasts years we did a Christmas action: The pooping log, or a cake

One year ago I asked Barbara, with a lot of please please please please, for a Wireframes to make a new application that will be “la polla en vinagre” (Spanish expression which literally means cock in vinegar but in English means that it is the best of the best or the fucking amazing thing in the world).

One year later I’m still waiting for these Wireframes. What happens here? Isn’t normal that Barbara ignores me (well it is normal). Maybe I can’t send to her the idea or feelings for this exceptional App! Some days ago a friend of mine sent me a short video talking about Lean Startups and their philosophy/methodology/ideas. I was impressed with these basic ideas and Barbara too.

But, how Lean Startup works for us? (or for everyone)

First, for one, ask the client if they need a solution for a hypothetical idea or problem. The second one is making a cheap, little and handmade prototype. Well, I talk again with Barbara and tell her I want to ask people if my idea is a good idea but trying not to explain the idea, only asking a few questions ( an idea is sensed). Barbara love the idea (finally yeah! yeah!) and we made a little survey.

This Survey is the first or the last step of this idea, all is in your hand’s people. If you are Freelance or have a little company, please, answer our questions. :) The Survey is here

What means the welcome back?

After few years of searching for knowledge in different companies, life has given us a new opportunity to create and enjoy – again – EBAVS/.

We enjoyed a new location, we found a coworking space, met coworkers, startups and new projects, that made this new stage very exciting and extremely funny.
We released it in January 2014 and the Betahaus managers dedicated a blog entry to a very human interview that we enjoyed a lot.

Started again with EBAVS in November 2013. After years working on agencies, ad agencies, consultancies, and other kinds of jobs we decided that was the time to did something for us.

So with a little strategy but with a lot of illusion, we decided to jumped and create EBAVS officially. After 2013, EBAVS was our little brand, see why our mystery name.

We review the brand: colours black and white. We add images and use the Mediterranean sea (Barcelona sea) for backgrounds.

ebavs - background

The services were:

  • Back-end
  • Front-end
  • CTO Services
  • IT Services and management
  • Digital project management
  • SEO consultancy
  • Ux Consultancy
  • WordPress development

So, that’s was our welcome back.

Long-life EBAVS/!