What means the welcome back?

After few years of searching for knowledge in different companies, life has given us a new opportunity to create and enjoy – again – EBAVS/.

We enjoyed a new location, we found a coworking space, met coworkers, startups and new projects, that made this new stage very exciting and extremely funny.
We released it in January 2014 and the Betahaus managers dedicated a blog entry to a very human interview that we enjoyed a lot.

Started again with EBAVS in November 2013. After years working on agencies, ad agencies, consultancies, and other kinds of jobs we decided that was the time to did something for us.

So with a little strategy but with a lot of illusion, we decided to jumped and create EBAVS officially. After 2013, EBAVS was our little brand, see why our mystery name.

We review the brand: colours black and white. We add images and use the Mediterranean sea (Barcelona sea) for backgrounds.

ebavs - background

The services were:

  • Back-end
  • Front-end
  • CTO Services
  • IT Services and management
  • Digital project management
  • SEO consultancy
  • Ux Consultancy
  • WordPress development

So, that’s was our welcome back.

Long-life EBAVS/!