Tag Archive for: yummy

A few days ago, we made a cake, a Christmas present to our Betahaus friends.

This present became, on small scale, in our Christmas action. The objectives are to close to the community of the coworking, make know our team and have great holidays.

In one day, we achieved:

  1. Double site’s traffic: see the below traffic on Google AnalyticsChristmas actions analytics
  2. Triple visits’ blog: see the below graphics with an augmentative line of visits
    Christmas actions blog analytics
  3. Knew people in the coworking: personal relationship and fresh ideas. Networking.
  4. Bless holidays to coworkers
  5. Greetings of more than 150 people.
  6. Bring a smile for all  :)

And from our little action to the big ones:

  • Proximity Barcelona with proximityandme, reminding all who have worked on Proximity and rewarding them with a present. It reminds us, that our past is part of our present and future. It’s a great gesture that brings smiles to everyone who worked there and – after this action – we would be liked to work there. Bravo!
  • Shackleton with santapp is ideal for dads like us. Never grow up. Downloaded the app to enjoy this Christmas. Shackleton Genius! An app where you choose the name of your kid and the voice of Santa appears with sounds. Incredible the reaction of the kids.

Merry Christmas!

In these pre-Christmas dates, we prepared a pumpkin cake, nuts and cinnamon to celebrate Christmas


After brewing, baking and taste how delicious it was we thought it best to share.
Cut the cake into small pieces, package it and put them with a suggested price tag and a URL Pumpkin cake.
Our gift for Christmas was this piece of cake and our recipe.pumpkin-1-1Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!