Tag Archive for: mcrypt

One of the worst things that could have happened to me upgrading to Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite is the fact that reset the configuration of Apache / PHP. Basically, deleted the php.ini file (among other things) and get text and mcrypt libraries.

The first thing we do is install gettext in Yosemite. I am not sure if this step is absolutely necessary.

I usually work in the tmp folder and restarting the Mac (though I do not ever do) is automatically deleted. We open the Terminal and put:


Download gettext-tools

In my case, the version 0.19.3, enter into the folder and compile:

Now that we have gettext-tools, compile PHP extensions. For this, use GIT:

Again tmp:

And download the PHP sources :

It will be one while downloading code, the PHP project is not tiny. We switched to the branch of our version of PHP:

And finally, compile the extension:

Now we have the extension, copy the folder extensions:

The folder name may vary depending on the version of OS X.

Now edit php.ini (if you do not have php.ini cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini):

Go to the end of the file and add:


Now, the extension mcrypt. The process is identical to gettext:

Copy of the folder the extensions:

Now edit php.ini :

Go to the end of the file and add:

Restart apache:


Yosemite is fast, Yosemite is nice but has not taken into account, in any case, developers who use the Mac as a development environment.