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How to fix ISPConfig + NGINX + WordPress = ERROR 500?

A few months ago, one of my servers with WordPress, made error 500, each time a user made an action.

After searching unsuccessfully in Google and various forums, I began to debug the situation, beginning to see what was going on with WordPress and to find out what was the source of the problem.



We installed a server with Nginx, all of our servers use Nginx, working perfectly with a lot of sites configured. A customer asked us to install WordPress. Normal situation. But a few days later, the client called us because sometimes appears a yellow screen with a 500 message error.



We decided to investigate a little bit, debugging WordPress, and we detected that happen.  WordPress, sometimes, runs a line with the instruction wp_die(). Isn’t normal termination, but sometimes, execution finish with this instruction.

This function sends a message to the user, but also add a 500 error in the packet header returned to the browser. This is normal behaviour, but the browser, instead of showing a message are showing an ISPConfig error 500 pages.

Here, we decide to investigate nginx. And why is sending the yellow 500 error page?


After a lot of time and config files, finally, I found that the site has special config lines in the Nginx configuration file. Let’s see, the configuration:

And, other lines similar:

These instructions force nginx to send the page with Error 500.


If you see the config file, you will notice that have files called with numbers inside the errors folder. I don’t put the files there, so, ISPConfig put files there.

Then, the solution is so simple that … whatever!

ISPConfig has an option in the sites’ configuration called Own Error-Documents:



So, to run WordPress must be unchecked the option Own Error-Documents.

When you uncheck this option, ISPConfig deletes the code of the nginx configuration and the errors folder.
So WordPress runs perfectly now, sending messages to the browser.